Thursday, March 19, 2020

Smart phone Essays

Smart phone Essays Smart phone Essay Smart phone Essay Today, DNA is a very important part of our lives. DNA technology which means Deoxyribonucleic Acid is the famous technique that using in various medical fields. It gave the history of cells on the chromosomes In our body. Every cell has a unique DNA form. For example, chloroplasts In plant, and mitochondria In plants cells and animals cells. The scientists do a lot of research to development DNA technology In future. DNA helps government to perform many action in solving crime. Also, DNA technology can find medical solution in the future and can solve the ancient history. DNA technology have a lot of effect including historic mysteries, crime, and health. One of the most important effect of DNA technology is that the people can find medical solution in the future. A lot of disease now can be caused by mutant genes such as cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and kidney disease. DNA technology can explain the history of the families with different disease which can people avoid It in future. Also, the result of one person getting a test can give information about her or his relatives. For example, In Minnesota, a 51 year old Oman named Undead Malibu know that her family has a genetic history of cancer. The cancer halting her family so, her mom and her sister have died of cancer and there Is possibly to pass the genes to Nadia also. E also her mom and her sister have died of cancer. The DNA can show how the chance of getting the genes that could cause the cancer. She has decided not to take do the DNA examination because she was healthy but if she has signs of disease, she will get DNA examination. As a result, She will get checkups regularly to avoid the risk of disease if she know about it by getting the test of DNA. Take it . To sump up, there are millions of people can avoid the disease by do DNA test early, so they can feel more confident about their health in the future. Good start. I know you were running out of time, so It seems Like youll want to elaborate on the conclusion sentence. For grammar, watch out for run-ones and be careful of verb tense and form. Another main effect of DNA technology is people can solve the ancient history . There are many mysteries became clear by DNA technology. Archaeological solve a lot of mysteries that happened in the past and still mysteries for a long time by using DNA technology. They can answer many questions hat was mystify y self before . For example, Dry. Aziza haws want to know about some secrets of the ancient Egyptian kings by studding their mummies such as king TutankamunTutankhamun. s king Tutankhamen he was discovered the cause of death king Tutu. In 2008, Haws take a sample of king Tutus DNA extracted from his bone and he discovering that Tutankhamen had clubbed foot, one toe was missing a bone, and part of his foot were destroyed by necrosis. As a result of king Tutankhamen condition, he had 130 staffs In his tomb to help him to walk. Also he discovered the reason that cause death early when he was only 19 . As a r esult of Since he analyzing kinked Tutus DNA and ten other mummies, Haws know who of early death was that his parents was siblings. In fact, married sibling cause harmful genes passed to the children so they children became vulnerable to a variety of genetic defects. In future, scientists can use DNA technology to find more mysteries that in the ancient history. In fact, married sibling cause harmful genes passed to the children so they became vulnerable too variety of genetic defects. In short, developing of DNA technology helped scientists to solve ancient mystery like hysterics death of king Tutankhamen and his family have solved by DNA technology.. In conclusion, the effects of using Another primary effect of DNA technology is that police need it to solve most of crimes. One important uses of DNA technology is to identify the guilty of the crime. Also, the forensic investigators use DNA technology for many fields. For instance, in 1992, Arizona, there was plant helped investigators to solve murder case. The investigators analyze the seed pods of the Palo Verve tree which they have found in the suspects truck who was missed his pager at the scene of the crime. In addition, hey discovered the tree which at the scene of the crime has signs of hitting by truck. As a result, they analyzed the pods by DNA technology and they matching seed pods in the truck to specific tree and they found the same unique pattern. To sum up, DNA technology has significance to solve most crimes. Forensic believed that DNA can be solve mysterious crimes. In conclusion, the effects of using DNA technology are in historic mystics, health, and crime. The archaeological can solve historic mysteries by using DNA technology, the detectives can solve crime by analyze DNA and know the guilty, and we can take the accessory predicting to protect our health when we know our family genetic history. DNA solve a lot of crime and it will be development by scientists researchers. I see your cause-effect organization here, but the explanation of the example is poor. It Just seems like a random group of facts about King Tutu. We want it to be a chain of events involving DNA technology that leads to solving some part of ancient history. Also, the purpose is not clear here. Youve told us this information, but so what? There is nothing here that motivates me to learn about future possibilities.

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